Mens Hostel in Elswick

 Mens Hostel in Elswick Rye Hill

Contact Details

Mens Hostel in Elswick St.Mary’s Hospital Lodge, Rye Hill, Elswick, Cruddas Park, Newcastle upon Tyne NE4 7LH
Manager: Ms. Patricia J Embleton 0191 274 0136
Warden: Mrs.Moira Briant 0191 273 3624

Rye Hill, Mens Hostel in Elswick Accommodation details


Accommodation Built 1858

  • Rye Hill, Mens hostel in Elswick has 16 flats and 2 bungalows
  • Each flat has a bedroom, sitting room, bathroom (bath with overhead shower) and kitchen
  • The bungalow has two studio flats, each with a large bed-sitting room, separate kitchen and bathroom
  • Emergency alarm (Warden Call); smoke detector in each flat
  • Communal lounge/games room, laundry, garden


  • Resident Warden
  • Domestic staff
  • 24 hour Warden Call


  • All gas, electricity & water rates covered by the Estate Management Charity of the Hospital of St.Mary the Virgin
  • TV licences paid for over 60s who are retired and/or work no more than 15 hours per week
  • Weekly cleaning to support residents’ own cleaning
  • Repairs & maintenance
  • Some limited onsite parking for visitors


  • bus stops on Westmoreland Road, 2 minutes’ walk away:
  • to town: nos: 1, 30 & 31
  • to Adelaide Shopping Centre: nos. 1, 30, 31, 32 (6 stops)
  • GP practice: 3 minutes’ walk in Cruddas Park Centre
  • Dentist: Adelaide Centre or town
  • Central Station: 0.6 miles

Currently £68 per week.


For details of vacancies at Rye Hill, sheltered accommodation in Elswick or to be put on the waiting list, please contact the Manager, Ms. Patricia J Embleton 0191 274 0136, or email

Rye Hill, Elswick. Interior accommodation

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Rye Hill, Elswick. This is the common room in the housing.

Further help and support on sheltered accommodation can be found on the Newcastle City Website here